Tudor Warship Mary Rose
Osprey PublishingRok wydania: 2023
ISBN: 978-1-4728-4573-3
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 144
Wymiary: 250 x 240
Dostępność: Na półce
74.00 zł
Wielki okręt wojenny Mary Rose został zbudowany w latach 1509–1511 i służył 34 lata w marynarce Henryka VIII, po czym katastrofalnie zatonął w bitwie nad Solent 19 lipca 1545 r. Platforma bojowa i żaglowiec, był dumą floty Tudorów. Jednak pamięć o niej poszła w zapomnienie – aż do chwili, gdy pozostałości tego wspaniałego statku flagowego zostały wydobyte na powierzchnię w 1982 roku, po 437 latach spędzonych na dnie Solent.
Książka bogato ilustrowana z kompletnym zestawem rysunków. Zawiera plany techniczne.
The great warship the Mary Rose was built between 1509 and 1511 and served 34 years in Henry VIII's navy before catastrophically sinking in the Battle of the Solent on 19 July 1545. A fighting platform and sailing ship, she was the pride of the Tudor fleet. Yet her memory passed into undeserved oblivion – until the remains of this magnificent flagship were dramatically raised to the surface in 1982 after 437 years at the bottom of the Solent.
Part of the bestselling Conway Anatomy of The Ship series, Tudor Warship Mary Rose provides the finest possible graphical representation of the Mary Rose. Illustrated with a complete set of scale drawings, this book contains technical plans as well as explanatory views, all with fully descriptive keys. Douglas McElvogue uses archaeological techniques to trace the development and eventful career of Henry VIII's gunship, while placing it in the context of longer-term advances in ship construction.
Książka bogato ilustrowana z kompletnym zestawem rysunków. Zawiera plany techniczne.
The great warship the Mary Rose was built between 1509 and 1511 and served 34 years in Henry VIII's navy before catastrophically sinking in the Battle of the Solent on 19 July 1545. A fighting platform and sailing ship, she was the pride of the Tudor fleet. Yet her memory passed into undeserved oblivion – until the remains of this magnificent flagship were dramatically raised to the surface in 1982 after 437 years at the bottom of the Solent.
Part of the bestselling Conway Anatomy of The Ship series, Tudor Warship Mary Rose provides the finest possible graphical representation of the Mary Rose. Illustrated with a complete set of scale drawings, this book contains technical plans as well as explanatory views, all with fully descriptive keys. Douglas McElvogue uses archaeological techniques to trace the development and eventful career of Henry VIII's gunship, while placing it in the context of longer-term advances in ship construction.
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