Holy War in Late Medieval and Early Modern East-Central Europe
WAMRok wydania: 2017
ISBN: 978-83-277-1417-6
Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 296
Wymiary: 160 x 240
Dostępność: Dostępna za 3-5 dni
53.70 zł
Publikacja anglojęzyczna dotyczy świętych wojen w późnej średniowiecznej i wczesnej nowożytnej Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej.
Artykuły zawarte w pracy poparte są bogatymi materiałami źródłowymi i ciekawymi dyskusjami historiograficznymi.
Holy War in Late Medieval and Early Modern East-Central Europe is a major contribution to the field. The editors rightly decided to edit the volume in the English language, because whereas the topic of crusades among the nations and in the states of East-Central Europe is well researched within the communities of historians this research is not well-known to the English speaking audience due to the language barrier.
The articles are very solid, with rich source-material and interesting historiographical discussions. Some of them are excellent in approach and interpretation. They all give the international community, interested in East-Central Europe from the 14th to the 16th, a good idea what research is going on in the field.
Prof. Jan Kusber, Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
The editors correctly stress the fact that the idea of the just war in Western civilization originated in the context of the two memorable and watershed Christian victories: the battles of the Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D. and of the Frigidus River in 394 A.D. One can distinguish four stages of its development: patristic (St. Augustine), scholastic (Gratian, St. Thomas Aquinas), Jesuit (Antonio Possevino) and contemporary. It was during the second period that this idea took on a new meaning and was also understood as a military action against infidels and heretics waged for the sake of the Church to protect the faithful and defend the faith. The publication was written by a group of well selected and competent authors and can be read with profit not only by the specialists by also by the general public.
Artykuły zawarte w pracy poparte są bogatymi materiałami źródłowymi i ciekawymi dyskusjami historiograficznymi.
Holy War in Late Medieval and Early Modern East-Central Europe is a major contribution to the field. The editors rightly decided to edit the volume in the English language, because whereas the topic of crusades among the nations and in the states of East-Central Europe is well researched within the communities of historians this research is not well-known to the English speaking audience due to the language barrier.
The articles are very solid, with rich source-material and interesting historiographical discussions. Some of them are excellent in approach and interpretation. They all give the international community, interested in East-Central Europe from the 14th to the 16th, a good idea what research is going on in the field.
Prof. Jan Kusber, Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
The editors correctly stress the fact that the idea of the just war in Western civilization originated in the context of the two memorable and watershed Christian victories: the battles of the Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D. and of the Frigidus River in 394 A.D. One can distinguish four stages of its development: patristic (St. Augustine), scholastic (Gratian, St. Thomas Aquinas), Jesuit (Antonio Possevino) and contemporary. It was during the second period that this idea took on a new meaning and was also understood as a military action against infidels and heretics waged for the sake of the Church to protect the faithful and defend the faith. The publication was written by a group of well selected and competent authors and can be read with profit not only by the specialists by also by the general public.
Klienci, którzy oglądali tą książkę oglądali także:
• Historia communitatem facit. Struktura narracji tworzących tożsamości grupowe w średniowieczu
• Holokaust zrozumieć dlaczego CD
• Gospodarka ludów Morza Bałtyckiego (tom I). Starożytność i średniowiecze
• Homo militans
• Homer i jego czasy
• Poczet Wielkich Mistrzów Krzyżackich
• Heloiza i Abelard
• Historia ciała w średniowieczu
• Biografistyka we współczesnych badaniach historycznych
• Hitlera plany przebudowy świata
• Holokaust zrozumieć dlaczego CD
• Gospodarka ludów Morza Bałtyckiego (tom I). Starożytność i średniowiecze
• Homo militans
• Homer i jego czasy
• Poczet Wielkich Mistrzów Krzyżackich
• Heloiza i Abelard
• Historia ciała w średniowieczu
• Biografistyka we współczesnych badaniach historycznych
• Hitlera plany przebudowy świata
Brak recenzji tej pozycji |